Messy Church

Newland’s Hall, Stroud Crescent, Putney Vale, SW15 3EP 4.30pm - 6.00pm All welcome. For more information visit our Messy Church page.

Light in the Dark

Kim Jackson, a dancer and performer with a wide range of skills will be performing at our LIGHT IN THE DARK event A fun evening for all the family in…

8am Service

Quiet said service, traditional language.

Crib Service

All welcome at this family service with Nativity and animals.

Christmas Day

9.30am - 10am Communion Service 10am - join us for lively Christmas Carols for all. All welcome on this special day.

Outreach Committee Meeting

Meeting of the Outreach Committee The meeting time has changed just this time to 7.30pm and the meeting will be held in the Vicarage and on Zoom for those who…

Upcoming Events