Finance Committee Meeting
In the AW
Candlemass this Sunday This Sunday is a feast day, a celebration day, in church, Candlemass. Light and life are seen and celebrated, amidst the winter frost. We are invited to…
Holy Dusters
We meet each last Tuesday of the month at 2pm to clean and tidy the church and polish brass and you would be most welcome to join us.
Orchard Pruning
WE INVITE YOU TO JOIN IN AND LEARN ABOUT PRUNING APPLE TREES on Saturday, 11th February at 10am Gill has arranged to lead us in an Orchard pruning session on…
PCC Meeting
In the AW
Kingston Vale Trust Committee Meeting
In the AW
Gardening Work Party
Gardening – join in the monthly garden work party on the last Saturday of each month from 11am to 12.30pm. We join together to do some weeding and to tidy…
Holy Dusters
We meet each last Tuesday of the month at 2pm to clean and tidy the church and polish brass and you would be most welcome to join us.
Outreach Committee Meeting
In church
Lent Lunch
Come and join us for Lent lunch on Monday’s in the St John’s Church Hall, until Easter. Doors open at 12.30pm for lunch at 1pm. Tasty homemade soup will be…
The Lectio Course
This lent, you are invited to exploring together with others the topic of prayer. Learning how to hear God is an exciting journey for every Christian to explore – and…
Mindfulness Practice Day
Mindfulness Practice Day Saturday, 11th March, 10am - 3pm You are invited to this day, much of which will be spent in silence. This is an opportunity to deepen your…