Coronation of King Charles III
We will be live screening the coronation service in church. All welcome to join us. Please check back for further details which will be added when available. The timing on…
Coronation Celebration Lunch
You are invited to join a Celebration Lunch in the Jubilee Garden on Sunday, 7th May at 12 noon. Entry fee is £5pp, please book HERE. A sandwich and cake…
PCC meeting
Messy Church
Newland's Hall, Putney Vale Stroud Crescent, Putney Vale, United KingdomMessy Church is starting up in Putney Vale in the Newland’s Hall, Stroud Crescent, SW15 3EP Thursday, 27th April, 4pm - 5.30pm We had fun at our pancake event and…
Gardening Work Party
Gardening – join in the monthly garden work party on the last Saturday of each month from 11am to 12.30pm. We join together to do some weeding and to tidy…
Holy Dusters
We meet each last Tuesday of the month at 2pm to clean and tidy the church and polish brass and you would be most welcome to join us.
Outreach Committee Meeting
In church
Gardening Work Party
Gardening – join in the garden work party this Thursday from 4pm - 5pm. We join together to do some weeding and to tidy the beds in the church grounds for…