Mission Action Plan

The Church Council reviewed our previous mission action plan and had implemented most of our agreed actions. Notable achievements included:
Connecting to older people. We have created a space in church for those using walkers or wheelchairs. We developed a Monday afternoon group as a place people can come and enjoy each other’s company. We continue to develop our relationships with residents of Sherwood Grange and Galsworthy house. Visiting and bringing communion and welcome their residents to worship and social event.
Developed relationships with children and young people. We have been running holiday and week day clubs on our own, and with the Korean church. We have appointed a children’s worker who has initiated Toddle Along group and Messy Church. We have established Orchard Church and Orchard Church at Dusk.
We have reached out to wider parish. We run many social activates from tribute nights, to fireworks, which welcome people of all ages, and of all faiths and none, to build community in our parish.
We have become an Inclusive Church to make our welcome of all people visible.
Looking to the future:
Baptism and Nurturing Believers
To provide opportunities for people to explore their faith. Continuing with regular Sunday worship at 8am and 10.30am alongside the new Messy Church.
To continue to support and grow Messy Church.
To develop our faith and worship by establishing a covenant with Yedream Korean church and seeking together to reach out into the community in new ways. To Develop a relationship with the WOW prayer mission.
To developing children’s church from its current small numbers by introducing orchard church, using additional volunteers and a children’s worker.
To offer a mindfulness course to those interested. To offer a lent course and weekday prayers for small group reflection.
Responding to Human Needs
To maintain our timetable of social and spiritual activities but make them more accessible to people, by improving our communication. To revamping our website. Printing a timetable and paper information for those who find that helpful. Promoting our activities through Nextdoor and other social media platforms.
Continuing caring for the elderly, children and all those who would seek to be part of social community through regular weekly activities and one off events.
To become a Be Well Church and develop our care for the community.
Seeking to transform unjust structure of society
Supporting local community initiatives.
Seeking to support the Residents association and other local initiatives supporting victims of crime.
Supporting the homeless people through Kingston Churches Action on Homelessness- looking to invite KCAH to visit and to engage more closely with them.
Create a point for church members to drop off items for the food bank.
Striving for and Safeguarding the environment
To look after the local environment by planting new trees and watering existing young trees.
Looking after our Church grounds
Replacing the use of plastic with paper where possible at church events.
To re-cycle more and encourage hall hirers to re-cycle.
Working toward a Bronze award Eco church, and engaging Messy Church in this.
Worship and prayer continue to be at the heart of all we do.
St John’s Vision Statement (2020)
Our vision: St John’s seeks to welcomes all, to find peace hope and purpose.
Together we seek to worship God and serve the whole community through the example of Jesus Christ.
To be: An inclusive community welcoming and honouring all in Jesus name, however they may describe their faith or lack of it.
A compassionate, outward looking church, serving our local community, concerned with the needs of people and with care of the earth.
We see our church growing in faith, love and generosity, by nurturing our spiritual life, offering joyful services and supportive friendships.
Vision Prayer
Stay with us Lord,
open our eyes and set our hearts on fire,
as you open your word,
as you break your bread,
as we live your life.
Enrich us with your grace,
empower us by your Spirit,
enfold us in your love,
as we walk the journey of faith with you.