Talent Show
This event has been postponed.
Property Committee Meeting
Location: AW
Orchard Church at Dusk meets the Stars
For children age 8 to 12 years Wednesday 26th January 2022 5pm till 6pm In the Jubliee Garden behind the church at St John the Baptist, Robin Hood Lane, Kingston Vale,…
PCC Meeting
Location: BR
A Walk in Richmond Park
Saturday, 5th March at 9.30am Would you enjoy a walk with others? As part of our Be Well Church initiative we are inviting you to join us on a walk.…
Outreach Committee Meeting
Location: C
Lent Lunch
Join us in the church for a lunch of soup and bread. For more details contact the parish office.
Finance Committee Meeting
Location: AW
Lent Lunch
Join us in the church hall for a lunch of soup and bread. £5 donation to the Bishop of Southwark's Lent Appeal. For more details contact the parish office.
Special PCC Meeting
Location: AW
Property Committee Meeting
Location: AW
Gardening Working Party
Middle Thursday of each month. 4pm - 5.30pm in the church grounds. Please come along and garden for one hour and then enjoy coffee/tea, cake and a chat.